Shrine of Padre Pio - New York City, NY
St. Padre Pio please help my daughter to heal her mind and body. Amen
St Padre Pio please help my daughter Letsie obtain her ID she needs to work. Give her health if mind body and spirit. Grateful always 🙏
St Padre Pio Shrine. Pray for Cardinal Tim Dolan Archdiocese of Ny and pray for him now. Pray for Bishop John Barres Diocese of Rockville Centre Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Pray for Bishop Robert Brennan Brooklyn and Queens. Pray for priests, decaons, nuns, bishops and cardinals and pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome now Amen.
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. Dear God, Jesus, St. Padre Pio, Blessed Mother, ArchAngels, St. John Baptist, St. Joseph, Pope Francis and all the saints. I need to be healed, cured and miracle now to restore vision left eye Keratoconus and normal vision both eyes. I need to be healed, cured and miracle now also no more learning and developemental disabillties now for the past 48 years now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I need cures, healing and miracles now Amen.
Healing for Chuck Abadie, who has Inclusion Body Myositis (like Father Stu).
St Padre Pio Shrine. The Summer Olympics start this coming Friday July 26th and in Paris France. The games go to Sunday August 11th Sunday. Pray for all athletes and thee families and coaches. Pray that Simon Billies wins gold medals and team USA gets lots of medals and gold medals as well and pray for good weather, be safe and that the Summer Games in Paris Francis this week and for next two weeks will be safe and pray for all who are in the games now Amen.
St Padre Pio. My mom is going for Stress Test on Wednesday July 24th, She went for Ecco test last month and test came back ok. Pray for my mom now also that her stress test is ok and no problems and love my mom very much and prays now Amen.
Please heal Aunt Pat and Jean
St Padre Pio. Pray for those who need prays, healing, cures and miracles now. Pray for peace now in Israel and Ukraine now. Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father now. Pray for our country now Amen.
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. Intercede now St. Padre Pio. I need to be cured of Keratoconus left eye and restore vision left eye and normal vision both eyes now. Intercede now St. Padre Pio. I need to be cured now also learning and developmental disabilties now. I need miracles now and to be cured now Amen.
St. Padre Pio. Pray for Trump and pray for Biden now. Pray for Joe Biden and has Covid and pray for him now and pray he will recover from Covid. Pray for Trump now as well and pray for peace now and pray four Isreal and Ukraine now and end the war now Amen.
St Padre Pio. Pray for peace now here USA and around the world. Pray for our country now USA and pray for Israel and Ukraine and to end the war now Amen.
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. For your intressions now St. Padre Pio. I need to be cured now of Keratoconus left eye and normal vision both eyes. I need to be cured now also learning and developmental disabillties now for the past 48 years now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I need cures and miracles now Amen.
St Padre Pio - thank you for all your love and intercessions - please remove seizures from my adult son and heal him. Remove the stress and stigma of his past choices , protect him from all evil and grant him peace and allow a loving relationship with his children.
World peace!
St Padre Pio Shrine. My mom is going for stress test on Wednesday July 24th. She went for Ecco Test on June 26th and tests came back ok. I hope and pray her stress test comes back ok and no problems and pray for my mom and love her very much and no problems Amen.
St Padre Pio. Pray for Bishop John Barres Diocese of Rockville Centre Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Pray for Cardinal Tim Dolan Archdiocese of New York and Bishop Robert Brennan of Brooklyn and Queens and all priests, decaons, nuns, bishop and cardianls. Pray this week Eucharist Revival in Indianapolis and be safe and pray for those who are going to be there this week and safe now and also pray for the Republican Convention starting today in Milwaukee and pray for Trump and all people who are in Milwaukee and safety now and god keep them safe.
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. For your interessions now St. Padre Pio. I need to be cured now of Keratoconus left eye and normal vision both eyes now. I need to be cured and miracle now also St. Padre Pio. I need to be cured and miracle now also no more learning and developmental diasbilties. I need miracles now also to have my own apartment and be indepedent. Pray for my mom, sister and brother in law and for good health and no health problems Amen.
Please pray for Angela Farina heart and lungs be healed 🙏
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. For your intressions now Padre Pio. I need to be cured now of Keratoconus left eye and I have blured vision left eye. I need to be cured now of my learning and developmental disabillties now for the past 48 years now. I need miracle now also to have my own place now and apartment as well. I need miracles now St. Padre Pio now Amen.
Please pray for Dorothy T.
Please pray for Albert DiStefano who has cancer and his wife Liz.
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. I need to be cured now of Keratoconus left eye. I need to be cured now also no more learning and developmental disabillties. Padre Pio, I need to be cures and miracles now to see left eye. I need to be cured now also learning and developmental disabilities now Amen.
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. I need to be cured now of Keratoconus left eye Padre Pio. I need to be cured now also learning and developmental disaibllites now Padre Pio Amen.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit. Asking protection and favors at my work place
Lord Heavenly Father rescue me from shame and humiliation at work place remove all the blocks in workplace Psalm 1, Psalm 91, Psalm 23, Psalm 70, Psalm 121
Lord Jesus Heavenly Father bless my Husband, son, daughter, my Mom, my Dad, brothers with Robust mental physical emotional and social Fitness Health and longevity in life with Peace Joy Prosperity and Happiness bless them emotional security and in finances Help them reach their goals St Padre Pio pray for us
Please pray for my dear Friends Henry and Debra Conley in Warren, Rhode Island. Debra has fought cancer bravely for two years now and is in her final days on hospice. It is very difficult for Henry and his children and Jimmy his brother who is very close to the family. Please ask Padre Pio and our Blessed Lord and Blessed Mother to be with them in their dire hour of need and that this cross passes quickly for Debra and that God calls her home as she is in tremendous pain. I greatly appreciate your prayers and thank you in advance. God Bless !
St Padre Pio Shrine. My mom went for Ecco Test last week July 26th and test came back ok. She is going for stress test on Wednesday July 24th and hope and pray that stress test comes back ok as well and prays now and love my mom very much and pray for her now that stress test will be ok and no problems at all Amen.
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. I need prays, be healed, be cured and miracles now Keratoconus left eye now. I need prays, be healed, be cures and miracle now also no more learning and developmental disabillitres I need prays and miracle now also to have my own apartment as well. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems Amen.
St Padre Pio. Pray for Cardinal Tim Dolan Diocese of New York. Pray for Bishop John Barres diocese of Rockville Centre Nassau and Suffolk. Pray for Robert Brennan also Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens. Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and all priests, bishops, cardinals and nuns and our Catholic Churches her USA and around the World. Pray for peace now in Israel and Ukraine now Amen. Pray tomorrow Fourth of July 4th Independence Day tomorrow Thursday July 4th Amen.
Dear St Padre Pio please pray for my healing from my social awkwardness,unintentionally offending others ,constant anxiety and please help me be a good, supportive, happy,relaxed person who always follows God's voice.Thank you so much
The Shrine is happy to send Padre Pio oil to anyone who asks. Call 212 564 9070 Ext 280. Speak to Robert or leave your name and phone number in a voice mail. I would need your name and address to send oil. The oil, blessed with a relic of Padre Pio, costs $10.00
St Padre Pio. I hope everyone has a Happy Fourth of July and for those who are traveling this week now and flying, plane, train or car. Pray for those who are going away this week now and holiday weekend and get there safe and back home and prays now. Happy Fourth of July Amen.
St Padre Pio. Can you send me Padre Pio oil and I need healing and miracles now and for people who need Padre Pio oil now. Send them oil now as well and miracles now Amen.
that my son and his family return to practicing their Catholic Faith
I pray that my son Ray Jr. will be cured from cancer
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. St Padre Pio, I need prays, healing, cures and miracles now I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I need prays, healing, be cured and miracle now left eye to see and normal vision both eyes now. I need prays, be healed, be cured and miracle now also learning and developmental disabillties. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabillties my whole life now. Pray for healing, be cured no more disabilties.
I pray for my parents health that everything should be ok and they should be healthy . I pray that my job should go well and for success . I pray for a nice man to come into my life who is understanding of my disabilities.
St. Pio, on Monday I go in for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound of my breast. I’m very scared. I’m caregiver to my husband who has stage 6 Alzheimer’s. We have been through so much since his diagnosis 4 years ago and now this. I’m terrified. Please pray for me. ALG
St Padre Pio, Pray for Anne who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. May she overcome this life threatening disease. Give her more time and strength to heal.
St Padre Pio. My Godmother now need prays and healing now for her son now. He is in the hospital in California and has Covid. Pray for her son now that he will heal now and recover from Covid and need prays and healing now and pray for my GodMother now and her son now and pray her son will recover from Covid now and prays now Amen.
St Padre Pio. My mom is going for Ecco test this morning Wednesday June 26th and stress test on Wednesday July 24th. I hope the tests will be ok and no heart problems and prays now and I hope and pray she will be ok and love my mom very much Amen.
For health, protection, remote job with benefits
St Padre Pio Shrine New York and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. I need prays, to be healed and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I need prays, to be healed and miracle now left eye to see and normal vision both eyes now. I need prays, to be healed and miracle now also learning and developmental disabillties. I am 48 years old. I have disabilities my whole life now. I need prays, to be healed and miracle now also no more learning and developmental disabillties Amen.
St Padre Pio. My mom is going to the Cardiologist this Wednesday June 26th. She is going for Ecco Test and next month, July 24th on a Wednesday. she is going for stress test. I hope and pray no medication or surgery and no heart problem and prays now and pray for my mom no w and need prays, healing and miracles now Amen.
Lord Jesus Heavenly Father Father Master I beg you to bless my daughter with Full fledged college scholarships and excel her in her college studies and bless her with the right major choice and bless her with the right Career and bless her life I beg you Lord Jesus Lord Jesus bless my daughter to be married with a Godly loving protective spouse bless their marriage with health and happiness and bless them with happy healthy kids and bless them lead a happy life In Jesus name we pray Amen Psalm 91, Psalm 23, Psalm 121, Psalm 70, Habakkuk 1:5 J
please extend my job and also my paycheck Lord Jesus Hear my O Lord Asking with Verses Phillipians 4: 6-7
Please pray for my healing from my food poisoning and the proper rescheduling of my skin cancer surgery, and that my cancer doesn't spread while I'm waiting for a reschedule. Pray for my protection and healing, St. Pio. Pray for healing over my tremors and electrolyte imbalances, as well as just general imbalance in my body. Pray against depression and sadness and hopelessness and the wrong path / door. Pray for God's door and God's will, and that I discern this path / door. Thank you.
Praise the Lord my son Passed his Bachelors degree Psalm 106:1 Psalm 107:1 Psalm 118:1 Psalm 118:29 Psalm 136: 1 1 chronicles 16:24
Lord Jesus Heavenly Father strainghten my son's job and career I beg you Lord Jesus
Tommorrow work meeting should be go smoothly with no questions asked I beg you Lord Jesus
Please pray for Audrey.
Please pray for Dorothy Pipple.
my son is struggling to get a Full Time job with benefits Lord Jesus I beg you to bless my son with a Full time job soon asap Amen Sirach 11:22 Proverbs 10:22 Proverbs 8:21 Isaiah 45:2,3 Isaiah 43:2
I am continuously getting itches in my skin all over body St Padre Pio pray for my cure Lord Jesus Heavenly Father I beg you to cure my itches and aches in my skin bless me with Robust Health mental physical emotional Amen Luke 1:37 Isaiah 45:2,3 Psalm 107:20
St Padre Pio. You send me Padre Pio Oil now and for those who need healing and miracles now and Padre Pio Oil.
St Padre Pio Shrine and St. John Baptist Church. Brian Puttlitz. Dear God, Jesus and St Padre Pio. I need to be healed and miracle now to see left eye from Keratoconus. I need to be healed and miracle now also learning and developmental disabillites. I need prays, healing and miracles now Amen.
St Padre Pio. My mom is going for Ecco Test Cardiologist Wednesday June 24th, My mom is going for Stress Test Wednesday July 24th. Pray for mom that tests are ok and no problems and surgery or medication nothing and be ok and pray for my mom now and tests come back ok and love my mom very much Amen.
St. Pio, If God is truly asking me to give up espresso (which I believe He is) help me. I'm so tired in the mornings and I've tried to give it up several times now - and I succeeded, only to need it again a week later because of responsibilities as a mother. St. Pio, help me to truly give it up. Jason too. I think this is our path to success and for my health recovery. Pray for my strength and for energy and good sleep. Also, pray I do not become depressed nor saddened. Help me to stay focused on doing things - like painting!
Father Pio I love you and adore you unconditionally, you are and was a beautiful soul , your faith to GOD AND THE BLESSED MOTHER was inconceivable, I humbly pray to be in your ways I ask humbly to look upon my 3 children and heal them of there depression , anxiety, fears , hopelessness, addictions, suicidal thoughts … and disabilities and heath promlems … in JESUS NAME .AND HIS BLOOD …. If it is JESUS WILL …. AMEN
St Padre Pio And St John Baptist Church. Pray for my parents they both have alzheimer's and have gotten worse this isn't who they are anymore It hurts me to see them like this this isn't a way for them to live Dear God, Jesus, St Padre Pio, Blessed Mother would you please call them home so they can be their old selves again and be suffering with this and they can be reunited with the rest of the family. And God,St Pio, Blessed Mother would you please heal my dog from cancer so I can have a couple of more years with him.