
St. Mary - Franklin, MA

Approved Intentions

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The below is list of already approved intentions. You can view and search. If you would instead like to make an intention request for open Mass, you can do that here.
February 2025
Date Day Time IntentionCategoryNote
2/1/25Sat4:00pmThe DuBeau & Ferranti familiesdeceased
2/2/25Sun7:30amRosalba mcwilliamdeceased
2/2/25Sun10:30amMona Ghiringhellideceased
2/3/25Mon7:00amHoly Souls in Purgatorydeceased
2/4/25Tue7:00amjohn proctor- 2nd anniversarydeceased
2/5/25Wed7:00amNick Penzadeceased
2/6/25Thu7:00amLorraine Recoredeceased
2/7/25Fri7:00amFor the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Other
2/8/25Sat4:00pmLinda Paduladeceased
2/9/25Sun7:30amThe entrance into the joy of Heaven for Shirley Donahuedeceased
2/9/25Sun10:30amAnthony & Antoinette Perrydeceased
2/10/25Mon7:00amJoseph Sousadeceased
2/11/25Tue7:00amFor all the sick in our families and the whole world Other
2/12/25Wed7:00amSusan Strittmatterdeceased
2/13/25Thu7:00amChristine Fitzgerald deceased
2/14/25Fri7:00amRosa and Joao chaves 30 anniversary deceased
2/15/25Sat4:00pmFaustino Pineda, Guadalupe Pineda and Hope Pinedadeceased
2/16/25Sun7:30amRonald Padula deceased
2/16/25Sun10:30amJames and Marjory Dolandeceased
2/17/25Mon7:00amThanksgivings to God for one more year living
2/18/25Tue7:00amFor Sunset Fleur birthday living
2/19/25Wed7:00amJoseph F. Halligan Sr.
2/20/25Thu7:00amKathleen Girarddeceased
2/21/25Fri7:00amGiovanni and Carmina Ferraradeceased
2/22/25Sat4:00pmRoland and Katherine (Topsy) Pruvotdeceased
2/23/25Sun7:30amThe entrance into the joy of Heaven for Shirley Donahuedeceased
2/23/25Sun10:30amSt. Mary Parishliving
2/24/25Mon7:00amAlex Altermattliving
2/25/25Tue7:00amAntonio Pereira memorial deceased
2/26/25Wed7:00amAlbert Peter Palumbodeceased
2/28/25Fri7:00amFor the grace of repentance and forgiveness to all Christian Other

*A Collective Mass is a Mass in which multiple intentions were offered.