Welcome / Orientation / Registration Interest Form

Welcome / Orientation / Registration Interest Form

Welcome! Would you like to become a member of our Immaculate Conception Community? We are EXCITED to welcome you to our Parish! Registration at Immaculate Conception requires the completion of the following 3-step process:

1. Completed this Interest Form.
Complete the form, and submit it. You will receive an email to confirm that it was received.

2. Complete the Registration Form.
After we receive the completed Interest Form, we will mail the Registration Form to you. Please do not bring or mail it to the church office or drop it into the offertory basket. We ask you to bring the completed Registration Form with you when you attend a Welcome / Orientation / Registration Event. Bring the entire family—there will be something for everyone!

3. Attend one of our Welcome / Orientation / Registration Events.
This required 3rd step completes and ensures your registration with the Parish. Indicate the date of the event you plan to attend and remember to bring your completed Registration Form to the meeting. All events take place on Saturday mornings, 9:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. (refreshments available at 9:00 a.m.) in the De Sales Faith Formation Center (the building directly behind the church building). Remember, the entire family is invited!

New Parishioner Welcome / Orientation / Registration Events are held on Saturday mornings from 9:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. in the De Sales Faith Formation Center, beginning with refreshments.